
In Preparation

“‘Desired Behaviors’: Alignment and the Emergence of a Machine Learning Ethics.” Co-written with Alexander Campolo. (2024): 1–21.

Toward a Hauntology of Touch (planned for 2026).

Reworking what Nancy calls the “Law of Touch” as the law of sociality, Toward a Hauntology of Touch analyzes touch as a set of culture-technical operations that shape the space between bodies; operations by which bodies become subjects for one another, form communities, and enter into the political realm. By critically discussing a selection of concepts fundamental to modern and contemporary Western political philosophy in terms of touching operations, the book cast a new light on issues pertaining to appropriation, (self-)possession, self-determination, affectability, dispossession, and exclusion. It advances haunting as a form of touch that, invisibly yet significantly, shifts boundaries and borders. A haunting touch designates a form of ethics and politics that would acknowledge the necessity for self-determination while simultaneously unsettling identity and self-possession.


Theorie des graphischen Feldes. Zürich, Berlin: Diaphanes, 2020.

Theorie des graphischen Feldes demonstrate—through a deconstructive and media-theoretical analysis of central philosophical positions on writing, drawing, diagrammatic representation, and schematism (Derrida, Kant, Nancy, Heidegger, Goodman)—the different ways in which Western philosophy has systematically repressed corporality in processes of sense- and meaning-making. Theorie des graphischen Feldes advances touch (between the body, the mark, and the surface of inscription) as the elemental moment for the production of meaning.

Edited Volume

Szenen Kritischer Relationalität. Co-edited with Charlotte Bolwin, Jasmin Degeling, Martin Kallmeyer, Gereon Rahnfeld, Nathalie Schäfer. Lüneburg: meson press, 2024. https://meson.press/books/szenen-kritischer-relationalitaet/.

“From Enclosure to Foreclosure and Beyond: Opening AI’s Totalizing Logic.” (2024): 1–20 (under review at AI & Society).

“From Rules to Examples. Machine Learning’s Type of Authority.” Co-written with Alexander Campolo. Big Data & Society 10, no. 2 (2023): 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517231188725.

“‘One Unique You’: Affective Attachments and DNA-Testing as Ethnotechnological Apparatus.” Co-written with Deanna Cachoian-Schanz. Social Text 41, no. 1 (2023): 71–97. https://doi.org/10.1215/01642472-10174982.

“Abolish! Against the Use of Risk Assessment Algorithms at Sentencing in the US Criminal Justice System.” Philosophy & Technology 34, no. 4 (2021): 1883–1904. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13347-021-00491-2.

“Moralisation de la vie nue—transhumanisme et biopolitique.” Revue des Sciences Humaines 341 (2021): 227–43. https://doi.org/10.4000/rsh.432.

“‘La Lettre Morte’—Friedrich Kittler en correspondance avec les poststructuralistes.” Appareil 19 (2017): 1–16. https://doi.org/10.4000/appareil.2552. .

“‘Une sorte de remontée vers le corps’. Skizze einer Ästhetik der körperlichen Responsivität.” Kodikas/Code. Ars Semeiotica 37, no. 3/4 (2014): 249–60.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Book Chapters

“Einführung: Relationieren—Eine Kritische Operation.” In Szenen Kritischer Relationalität. Co-written with Charlotte Bolwin, Jasmin Degeling, Martin Kallmeyer, Gereon Rahnfeld, and Nathalie Schäfer. 7–21. Lüneburg: meson press, 2024.

“Begegnung (Donna J. Haraway).” In Berühren Lesen, edited by Hanna Sohns and Johannes Ungelenk, 28–33. München: August Verlag, 2021.

“Wirken und Wissen im Wechselspiel: Das Verhältnis zwischen Schema und Bild.” In Nach der ikonischen Wende. Aktualität und Geschichte eines Paradigmas, edited by Jonas Etten and Julian Jochmaring, 91–105. Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos, 2021.

“‘Coupling Parts That Are Not Supposed to Touch’ oder die Berührung als Kritik.” In Tangieren. Szenen des Berührens, edited by Sandra Fluhrer and Alexander Waszynski, 283–99. Baden-Baden: Rombach, 2020.

“Introduction au Dossier Critique ‘Théorie des média.’” Acta Fabula 19, no. 8 (October 2018). https://10.58282/acta.11596.

“L’haptique et la question du fond. Réflexion autour du sens du fond dans les pratiques graphiques indiciaires à partir de Riegl et Maldiney.” In Xi Dong/Ouest-Est. Voies esthétiques, edited by François Félix, 50–75. Lausanne: L’Âge d’Homme, 2015.

“Dimensionen des Graphismus. Die drei Pole der Linie.” In Über Kritzeln. Graphismen zwischen Schrift, Bild, Text und Zeichen, edited by Christian Driesen, Rea Köppel, Benjamin Meyer-Kramer, and Eike Wittrock, 39–57. Berlin, Zürich: Diaphanes, 2012.

Translations (in progress)

Brown, Wendy. In the Ruins of Neoliberalism: The Rise of Antidemocratic Politics in the West. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.

Introduction and first chapter translated to French for Le Monde Diplomatique | Katia Schwerzmann and Antonin Wiser

Glissant, Édouard. “Pour l’opacité.” In Poétique de La Relation, 203–11. Paris: Gallimard, 1990.

Translated to German | Julia Schade and Katia Schwerzmann

Special Issue Editor

Schwerzmann, Katia, ed. “Dossier Critique N°51. Théorie Des Média” Acta Fabula 19, no. 9 (October 2018). https://www.fabula.org/acta/sommaire11595.php.

Conference Proceedings

“Dossier Critique N°51. Théorie Des Média” Acta Fabula 19, no. 9 (October 2018). https://www.fabula.org/acta/sommaire11595.php.

“Point de contact : pour une esthétique de la rencontre.” Edited by Antonin Wiser. Fabula / Les Colloques, Roland Barthes, Contemporanéités Intempestives, 2018. https://doi.org/10.58282/acta.5761.

“Pourquoi nous (ne) sommes déjà (plus) posthumains.” Edited by Carlos Tello. Fabula / Les Colloques, Le Temps Du Posthumain?, 2018. https://doi.org/10.58282/acta.5472.


“Janina Loh: Trans- Und Posthumanismus Zur Einführung.” Zeitschrift Für Philosophische Literatur 8, no. 2 (2020): 9–14. https://doi.org/10.21827/zfphl.8.2.35932.

“Pour une réforme des humanités. La théorie des média selon N. Katherine Hayles.” Acta Fabula 19, no. 9 (October 2018). https://doi.org/10.58282/acta.11620.

Master’s Thesis

“Autour de l’Origine de l’œuvre d’art: Le surmontement de l’esthétique, la fin de l’art et l’œuvre d’art à l’autre commencement.” Université de Lausanne, 2009. (Link)


Huber, Thomas. Mesdames et Messieurs: Conférences (1982-2010). Edited by Stefan Kunz. Translated by Katia Schwerzmann. Genève, Dijon: Mamco, Les Presses du Réel, 2012 (650 pages).

Blanchard, Adeline, and Thibaut de Ruyter, eds. Zeitgeist/L’esprit d’un temps. Translated by Antonin Wiser, Katia Schwerzmann, Marion Maurin, and Peter Sura. Berlin: Archive Books, 2016.

Other Texts

Nothing Happening Here (Kelsey Brod, Katia Schwerzmann, Jordan Sjol, Alexander Strecker, Kristen Tapson). 2021. “Nothing Re-fused: Performing the Neo-Institution.” APRJA 10 (1): 85–93. URL: https://doi.org/10.7146/aprja.v10i1.128189.

S-1 Lab (Mark B. N. Hansen’s Lab). Nothing Is Possible. PubPub, 2020. https://doi.org/10.21428/9e41a03f.a8a7f4a8.

Do Not Touch. Publication for Matthias Sohr’s Exhibition at ACUD Berlin (2.12.2016–15.1.2017).

Cyanotype. Text for Léonore Baud’s Exhibition at Green Hill Gallery, Berlin (11.2016).

“Le réconfort des mousses, en conversation avec Alain Huck.” Novembre Magazine 8 (2013).